December 31


Are You Poised for the Sparkling Possibilities?

By Adela Rubio

December 31, 2017

New Year

Most of the planet is rushing into their resolutions, goals, objectives . . . even intentions. (Ha! I'm hosting an Intention Circle on January 1st for my community but we'll play a little differently!) If the past few years have taught me anything it's that life unfolds when you take the invitation to stroll on the cosmic red carpet. It may not look like anything you envisioned but it will take you exactly where you're meant to go. That doesn't mean that you don't have visions or dreams that want to be realized. Absolutely! That's Life moving through you. Here's how to discern whether you're moving in the smaller playground or the vastest playground:
  • Do you pull it to you or does it draw you in?
  • Are you plotting it out or is it pouring through you so fast that you can barely capture all the details?
  • Does it feel tight and constricted or light and expanded?
  • Are you feeling flat and forced or sparkly and excited?
Your body is your greatest guide to embody your dreams and visions. It is your highest sensing system. Are you willing to feel? I'm not talking only emotions here, but intuitive sensing uses the same pathways at a higher frequency. As you sit with what this year has gifted you and prepare for the coming year, know that you are perfectly poised for the visions that are calling to you. It's not out there, darling, it's in here.  All you have to do is be present to the power and the mystery that moves through you. Some call it Love. Some call it Life. Some call it God or Higher Power. Be present to the Love that Lives as You. Then, everything happens. Join me for an experience where I'll guide you on the sparkling possibilities at play in your world. It's tomorrow, January 1, at 10am ET. Whether you can make it for the live call or not, intend to connect with our Circle. There will be a recording, too. You can join our creative community and evolutionary adventurers below. Happy New Year, Loves!        

Photo by Manouchehr Hejazi on Unsplash

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