How do you make that first break from the pack? How do you venture on your own true path, following the cadence of your own true voice?
I used to think that in order to follow my own inner longings I had to be alone. I had to suffer in silence and find my ‘own way.' I was very impacted by an experience that I had in high school.
I've always felt differently than the ‘crowd' and no place more markedly so than when I was in high school. My inner voices were strong and loud and they didn't seem to be saying what everyone else was. I was awkward at connecting with people who could not come from this deeper place and met me on the short ground of the surface self. There was one girl in my history class, Patty, whom I did like immensely right from the start. She was a very strong, self-possessed person, who also wasn't a ‘crowd runner.' I remember mustering up the courage to ask her to get together – though I can't place what I was inviting her to – and can vividly remember her words:
“Go ahead and go without me. You have a mind and will of your own.”
Somehow, I took those words to mean that I had to do it alone. Instead of seeing that it could also mean to follow your own urging, even if no one else will keep you company.
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. Steve Jobs
How often do you hear your own voice and feel that you must do it alone? Today, I understand that there are quicker ways to travel the path from dream to reality, from seeking to realization. Follow your inner urgings, your true voice, AND align with others who are on the same path. You see, the more that each ONE of you creates the new groove – travels the road less followed – the easier it becomes for more to do the same.
Follow your own true voice . . . Yes!
Listen to the audio…
Connecting my dots……….
Groovy mermaids 🙂
Absolutely love, love, love the graphic.
AND, fits with Mike Robbins about being yourself because everyone else is taken.