polar bear on an ice floe
no tracks, no direction home
standing on the edge
certainty melting away
you can stand and wait
for reality to melt
or dive in
to the ocean of being
and swim
until you die
die to who you thought you were
die to limitation and separation
die to doubt and fear
swim into the One Being
melt into the One Love
surrender to the ocean
I am the new born, without a shall
so soft and sensitive I can hardly bear to breathe.
I do not want to place a footprint on the virgin snow
nor flow into form to become fixed, held in, held down
I am the as yet to be, the coming solution
I am the next word you’ll hear, the next breath you’ll take
I am pointing to the future.
Yet I am soft, formless, so subtle, I am easily missed
you may mistake me for sadness, for loss, even for death
I seem like an absence
everything all emptied out, gone.
I am a clear space for the breath of life
before words and thoughts
oft as a rose petal
formless as breath
Pure Love
By Rose Diamond
What a joy to read this poem of new beginning and new energies unfolding on this very first day of the New Year!
Thank you for your words and upliftment and your generosity in sharing the beauty and wonder of all this.
Glad you enjoyed, Jo Anne. Rose is a wonderful writer.
Hearing this poem on the energy shift calls has moved me beyond measure! I live on the west coast and work at night so I listen to the call replays. Like a child at Christmas I could hardly wait for you to post the words on the blog. I have written this poem in my daily calendar which I carry everywhere I go. Thank you, Rose. And thank you Adela.
Hey dana
Thank you so much, its wonderful that my words reached out and touched you,
with love Rose