January 17


The Energy of Entanglements

By Adela Rubio

January 17, 2007

BIG Shifts


Have you noticed the energy of your entanglements?

You know, those places where the tendrils of the ‘old you' are interwoven into the fabric of your perspective. From this angle it's hard to discern where to go or what's next. It's dense and slow and puts you in lockdown.

How do you figure out what you need to know to shift from entanglement to movement? Try this…

1. Embody an expanded perspective. Start off with BREATHE, RELAX, EXPAND, outwardly and inwardly, knowing yourself as an expressed essence in the now.

2. Supperconnect to ALL THAT IS. Feel the energetic ripples of you, connecting to the sourcing ripples of ALL. Feel the movement of the energy
as it bobs and weaves through every fiber of your being.

3. Tune in and Notice. Notice where the movement IS. Just notice and keep noticing until you KNOW what is ready to move.

4. Dive into the Download. With your energetic sensing fully connect to that movement and allow it to inform your BEING.

5. Embody the Knowing. Language the information download either through speaking or writing and allow the BEing to unfold the DOing.

The more that you are willing to be in the dance of the energy, the more you will notice the pockets of resistance that are up for play. You know movement and flow at the atomic level of your being. It feels wondrous, alive, pulsating, open. Be that!

Image: Keep Watch, Alicia Bramlett

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