January 14


Surrender Your Resistance

By Adela Rubio

January 14, 2010


Resistance is a sign of separation. You are pushing away what is seeking your engagement.

What is seeking your engagement is potential, the natural, irrepressible dance of life. Ultimately, resistance is ‘personal.' It's all about the little ‘you,' not the super-connected, streaming you. Not the collaborative co-creator with life.

When you're in the realm of ‘the personal' it's all so significant. It's all so important. This is the dogma and drama zone. The “I'm right, you're wrong” dance. And it is oh so predictably boring. It leads to more separation, more of what is not true.

This living in what is not true is painful, constrictive, so out of alignment with your essential nature. It is heavy and thick with low level emotions and limited vision. The channels of interconnection are diminished and there is very little access to your essence.

“Man has nothing else to do but surrender — in deep trust, in deep love. Don’t be a doer, just surrender. Let there be a let-go.”

The good news is that resistance clearly spells out, screams out, the potential for Surrender. Surrender is a dynamic power tool. It is an opening, an exploration, of what's more. As you engage the pockets of resistance in your world and surrender them on the altar of exploration you come to know that surrender is a pathway to mystery and mastery.

Surrender your resistance and step into the alivening stream of life.

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  1. …and I pulled the card showing the goddess putting her toe in the water.
    Thank you Nancy for the “I can’t” remedies.

  2. Another wonderful time together with you & the tribe. The daily sessions are getting more powerful.
    I know that I’m working on generational stuff. For quite some time, I’ve been back & forth, & back & forth re doing things that are best for ME (mainly, where do I want to settle so that I can be happy, easily do my Earth Work & have great prosperity in my life). I’m good to a point but then can suddently go off on a tangent, (usually happily) doing for others, but then realizing that I’ve put their needs in front of mine. I’ve worn myself out. I know that I need to surrender, so I can receive what is truly mine.
    I also know there is a great deal of sadness inside me & I’m afraid to let it out because there will very likely be a flood. I’ve been the strong person, even when I was young (oh, I just realized something – a BIG clue). Being strong was a useful tool when I worked as a nurse but one can only do this for so long, without it taking a toll. & I have found that some people don’t like it when you “change hats”.
    The last few mornings, I’ve been shedding some tears while you spoke. Thank you. There is lots more sadness to come out.
    Interestingly, this morning, I pull the Insight Card which read “My path to harmony lies in giving up resistance and allowing sorrow”. WOW!
    Looking forward to the rest of the calls. Thank you.

  3. random thoughts……

    MY image this morning was of a purple door covered with infinity signs of various sizes. The door is cracked a bit and golden light is shining through the crack.. The door opens to a bridge across a stream. As I crossed the steam, old beliefs fell off into the water. By the time I reached the other side, I had absorbed that golden light and I was literally glowing and sparkling like the frost on the snow that John mentioned.. Infinite Possibility is the name of this land . It is the land where the dreams are kept until we are ready to reach out and grab the ones that have our individual or collective names on them.

    I have 3 grown children. I have always tried to be the example of my beliefs. I continue to strive to be the woman, the mother, that they think I am. One lesson that I taught them early on was that “I can’t” needs to be” I am currently unable to ” and or “I need support in” …. I can’t is the locked door of impossibile. The other alternatives suggest that knocking on the door of possibility will open it to solutions and ways around any stumbling blocks.

    I would also echo the closing thoughts: each of us must be the change. A shining example will sway hearts much more easily than confrontation . The only person I can CHANGE is me.

    namaste dear family.

    1. Transformation begins in your own zip code and it IS a collective adventure. You are not alone, even when you are the one in transformation. This physical knowing is transformative. We experience it every day with our 9am tribe. Imagine showing up in your world this way every day. You ARE the change, Nancy!

      Thank you for tossing your jeweled power pebbles in our collective pond . . .

  4. Adela’s last line I can feel is engaging everyone. …………Surrender your resistance and step into the enlivening stream of life. ………..Each call this week somehow has become more powerful, gentler and with so much honesty and truth arising. I feel the love and sense the beauty of the wonderful tribe.

    I have resistances which I have long recognised due to upbringing in a rigid English family, negative environments, and a lifetime of being made to conform etc. etc. when really a free spirit with so many streams of creativity, and opening to the true energy of life has been such a blessing.

    There have been and are many challenges and as I rise and go through with the energy I am changed. This set of calls is becoming so even more transformative for me and I know it is for others.

    Thankyou for speaking up and sharing your vulnerabilities..Nancy, Susan, Morgine, Sus, Alisha, John,Shaheen,Tanya etc. etc. etc. and of course dear Adela, who has stopped me thinking that my out of the boxness is not crazy. All of us in this community are like this and what a wonderful ,honest, open, loving beautiful, graceful group of souls. We are all of the same ilk and of course part of the Oneness.

    I am learning and trying to feel the energy more deeply now as it is this part of it that creates the permanent shifts. I feel everyone and am blessed by your presence at all times….a fabulous group in whom I have deep trust and know that those people who have not shared can be comfortable and safe when and if they are ready to express them selves.

    Those members who are new to this I urge you to persevere as with practice it become seasier. I was a real fledgling for several years. We never stop learning and for the sake of the world need to continue to develop.

    Life IS just magical and the synchronicities increase daily! Love, joy and peals of laughter. Rosemary..Rosie

    1. Rosemary,

      It has been wondrous to experience your arising. As we witness one another in brilliance, as one, life alivens us. The collective adventure, ignites each of us individually, bringing more to the tribe.

      Thank you, sweet friend.

  5. Joanne
    THANK YOU for your words, more directly..energy..of compassion.
    Speechess…but feeling it completely.
    In gratitude,

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