January 3


Sing On

By Adela Rubio

January 3, 2010

Sing on
Sing the song that wants to be sung

The song that wants to be sung by YOU
The song that YOU are here to sing

It may have been dormant for some time now . . . perhaps only a note or two making its way to your lips

Let go!
Allow its energy
the energy of the song
with the many varied notes
to find its way to your lips
Sing out!!

Sing out your song
Allow the notes to
dance through the Universe
touching those it is meant to touch
awakening their song
awakening their soul

And know
possibilities are endless. . .

Your song and soul touch
others’ souls and songs
and their souls and songs
touch others
and so on
and so on

We form a symphony!

A symphony of Love
A symphony of Hope
A symphony of Dreams

Becoming Real
A symphony of Light sooo . . . immense

Each of us
one by one
is transformed

So Sing! Sing Out!
Sing On.
Sing On.

You can email Joane Stein Letlow
December 2009

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  1. Britt,

    Thanks for your beautiful heartfelt sharing and comments. We are truly all connected and what I am discovering as each of us shares, we find those places of interconnections, and no longer feel alone. I look forward to continuing to hear you sing out!


  2. I’m so happy this has been posted and that you recorded it, Joanne. I so relate to your poem. You wondered what moved me. The poem in its entirety! Emotions rise in me when I hear your poem because I’ve grown up believing I couldn’t sing. And now, I am starting to sing whether I “can” or not. Your words are particularly timely as it has been such a transformative year for me. Now, as I have the courage to “let go”, I’m on the verge of belting out my long-dormant song (my true nature, my new business…) Really each of your words is just as it is for me right now. Such an affect I can have, your words seem to say. My song/what I do/who I am touches others and their songs until we are a symphony–a “symphony of love”….Sometimes I feel so much love, it is as if my heart might burst! We will surely all be transformed with such a symphony of love, hopes, dreams! Thank you for your courage to sing out (share one of your songs).

  3. Joanne, this touches me deeply. I’m reading it for the second time and crying for the second time 🙂 Thank you for being so beautiful and sharing who you are.

    1. Kathleen,

      I’m touched to know the impact that these words have for you. Your openness to receive is beautiful and such a gift. Thank you for your comments and you are very welcome, my dear. I look forward to more conversations with you!

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