The intensity keeps increasing as the violence unleashed takes us for a whirl. If you're exhausted and overwhelmed it might be a good time to steer this good ship in a better direction. It's a perfect time to tune into what will support you during these difficult days.
I've experienced a LOT of adversity, challenges, and even violence in my world. Because of my incessant reading habits, and regular-as-rain library visits, self-care became a concept for deep consideration very early on.
These self-care practices have delivered time and again. They are my go-to's. When times are tough I dig in again to these tried and true transformational tools.
1. Take a Walk. Movement is a wonderful stress release. It requires you to breathe more which helps align your energy and body. It encourages circulation, which helps with the feeling of stagnancy during stress. Check out the 9 Benefits of Walking for your Body, Mind, and Soul.
2. Do a Guided Visualization. Take a short break to experience a guided visualization. I have hundreds of these in The Wild Creatrix Library. Here's writing that makes for a lovely visualization…
When you have moments on your own or spaces in your time, just focus on the well at the root of your soul. Imagine that nourishing stream of belonging, ease, peace, and delight. Feel, with your visual imagination, the refreshing waters of that well gradually flowing up through the arid earth of the neglected side of your heart. It is helpful to imagine this particularly before you sleep. Then during the night you will be in a constant flow of enrichment and belonging. You will find that when you awake at dawn, there will be a lovely, quiet happiness in your spirit.
John O'Donohue, Anam Cara
3. Do Freeflow Writing. Take 2 minutes to empty everything from your head to the page. Let it all out. Take notes of the internal dialogue. No judgment. Keep writing, don't stop. Here are a few writing prompts to get you started:
I remember…
Ease finds me when…
The next step is…
I can move with this…
4. Count Your Blessings. Trite and true and it still works. You can do a mental inventory or say it out loud for extra juju. List everything that is wonderful in your world. Get into the details. Notice the abundance and how blessed you truly are. Here are 3 Simple Ways to Awaken Gratitude.
5. Create White Space. Go into your calendar and get rid of stuff. Cancel appointments and commitments that deplete you. Only focus on the essentials. Leave in what amps you up or creates spaciousness. Leave pockets of white space throughout your day and week. It takes space to process. When a lot is going on less is more. Here are 4 Ways to Create White Space for Your BIG Shift.
Try these out and let me know what you discover. Please post your own in the comments!
You can't change what's happening out there, but you can navigate it all from a centered and more conscious state. You contribute to infinite possibilities when you shift from stressed to blessed.
Self-Care Practices for Trying Times
Friday, Nov 10, 5 pm ET
Adela Rubio is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Self-Care Practices for Trying Times
Time: Nov 10, 2023 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Let's share our wisdom in a circle. The circle alone will shift a LOT. There's also the pool of wisdom we all contribute. If you're ready for replenishment and renewal, join us LIVE on Zoom.
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Hi Adela, This is too late for me with the time difference but I am doing a lot of self care as energies change! I do a FOCUSSED HEALING WITH THE DIVINE, lots of Yoga and breathing, mindful walking, praying, creative cooking, gardening, poetry writing and painting. It's a challenge some days.
The misunderstandings from the 'populace' about what's happening and keeping in balance with all of that whilst, at the same time supporting and helping others, all needs navigation. I am winning much of the time. At least I feel I am! THANKS AND GOOD LUCK. Rosemary ????
It's a dance for sure, Rosemary. A moment-to-moment focus is required. When I partner and play rather than deny and resist, it goes much better. LOL! Good to hear from you, darling! Mwah!
Yes! Tranquility today, in solitude, at the estuary of Laugharne, near here, where Dylan Thomas wrote and lived! Creativity in the making observing, listening to the curlew and being totally with the beautiful natural environment feeling blessed. Mwah to you dear Adela! ????????
Yes! Tranquility today, in solitude, at the estuary of Laugharne, near here, where Dylan Thomas wrote and lived! Creativity in the making observing, listening to the curlew and being totally with the beautiful natural environment feeling blessed. Mwah to you dear Adela! ????????