June 29


Own the Abyss

By Adela Rubio

June 29, 2010

BIG Shifts, Energy Shifts, Knowing

When you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you. Friedrich Nietzsche

That which you seek, seeks you. That which you long for, longs for you. It is no coincidence that you have recurring themes in your life. It's not serendipity that creates the same kind of experiences, repeatedly.

What underlying thread connects this tapestry of experience that is you?

Life is intelligence come alive, tap into what you know is wanting to be known. Don't pretend that you don't know ‘why' you do the same things over and over and want things to turn out otherwise. Acknowledge that you don't want to know and then brace yourself for a deeper awareness.

Look into the abyss. Own the ‘you' that is wanting to be known.

Listen to the audio . . .


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  1. nancyBe — Thank you for that comment. You remind me of what’s most important: staying connected inside and following my own authentic truth. I deeply appreciate how you modeled that for us, and for writing about it. xo Suzy

  2. Good morning!
    This was one of the most phenomenal connections we have had.. WOWZA! so much of what each of us said speaks the voice for all us us.. I am grateful for the expression and the courage it takes to step up.

    Yesterday, I chose to honor the sense of overwhelm that took control of my body by CHOOSING to be quiet and not participate in much and.I am overwhelmingly grateful for that realization and for the gift of CHOICE. Instead , I went to the studio and work on a piece of glass art . It is a design I love .The colors sang “choose me, choose, me”, the cutting required almost no correction for purrfecctt fit. Instead of taking 6 hrs to cut and fit; it took less than 3! The lesson: listen , do what brings me joy! if it brings me JOY, it will do so for others. JOY , quiet, calm, tranquil are where I thrive.

    In terms of the program, it is not important to fill out the forms. Some of us are not capable of doing so and get stopped up trying. What is important is do to the work that is the essence of the message for which the forms are a means of connection. It does not matter how one does the work, just that one does the work. It is therefor my commitment to do the work, to show up, to support and to connect within and without this community in ways that make my heart sing..

    namaste dearest friends of the tribe. nancyBe

  3. That which I seek seeks me………. Oh how wonderful those words sound to me. They go deep inside to the source of all hope/truth/juice inside of me. That which I long for longs for me……. Ahhhh, this is true love. Thank you.

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