May 10


Mommahood: The Forging of Indestructible Love

By Adela Rubio

May 10, 2020

Early this morning I spoke with the main moms in my world: my mom, two aunts, and two mothers-in-law. I've also been in the swirl of going through my pictures. They've been in storage for years. I just got them back.

You know what that's like …

  • through pictures you get to see family and personality patterns
  • you notice how the roads diverge and connections are reshaped
  • you see your own evolution and the turning points as you made your way

The choices you make dictate the pathway. Who you are is a direct consequence of who you choose to be and become.

I was looking for an image to capture the fleeting swirl of momma memes and how many of them have been debunked by the experience of becoming a mother. This image captured many of the qualities easy to dismiss until you fully own this path of mommahood: the sense of certainty in her steadfast gaze, the lush abundance of her blessings, the regal mien of her self-awareness.

Little did I know at the beginning of the motherhood adventure how it would transform me. I am still humbled by the abundant flow of perfectly imperfect love. You wonder how you'll rise to each and every occasion (there are SO many).

Somehow you do. You stretch. You bend. You fold. You stand. You hold on. You consider. You persist. Slowly something indestructible is forged … love.

Happy Mother's Day!


PS I'm hosting an event called The Gathering in June. It's about the power of small circles to fuel a bigger vision. If you'd like to chat about participating let me know.

Art by Lady of Anthrazil on DeviantArt

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