September 8


Mold Your Meaning

By Adela Rubio

September 8, 2008

Essence, Self Expression

PhotobucketAccept no one's definition of your life; define yourself. Harvey Fierstein

What have you bought into that is not necessarily you? What mold have you softly settled into that was created by hands other than your own?

Your life is like a sculpture that arises into being from the carved creation of your imaginings. Oftentimes, just like an artist, you may have an inner vision but are not sure what it may look like in the end. A musing here, an inkling there, a serendipitous nudge from life itself will shift and shape the final outcome.

It is by pressing your hands into the clay that you come to breathe your very essence into creation. Today listen to your inner urgings and notice what wants to come alive through you.

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