April 13


Low on Inspiration? Find Juicy People!

By Adela Rubio

April 13, 2010

Energy Shifts, Energy Shifts II

If you're short on inspiration and your ideas are feeling sort of flat the quickest way to shift your energy to hyper-creational is to hang out with juicy people. You know who those folks are. Just being around them sparks you up and gets you excited. They could be talking about fur balls and you'll feel yourself all fired up with anticipation.

Some folks just have that vibe and you may think they're special. Actually, they just don't have the energy for anything else but what they love and they're LIVING IT!

You have the same option, though you may not be as tapped into it in this moment. Take a brief break from your day and remember the last time you were so powered up that you could barely be contained in your clothes. Feels great, right? So why would you want to live any other way? And why would you hang out with any other kind of people?

I'm not saying to forsake friends and family who may not be on the same vibrational playing field. However, if you want to travel past the outer edges of your comfort zone you'll want to hang out with folks who have rocket fuel in their veins.

Unleash your energy,  free the freak. Join the delectable ranks of Juicy!

Listen to the audio…

Photo by Levi Guzman on Unsplash

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  1. YES!! This is what it’s all about… the easiest way to learn is full immersion, that applies to Living Life Juicy as well!!
    What could be sweeter?

    In Abundance!

  2. I have mega juice 🙂
    One thing feeds the other, and I am ravenous……… give me more!!!11

    Dancing on tables and bars have always been fun for me, lol.
    I would relish a moment of feasting with you all, taking you in
    on this level. I leave you with a toast to Life & the ever hot, Treat Williams. Enjoy! Paula

  3. Hi Adela and All the of Your JUUUUICY Tribe!

    I just heard your replay, and am compelled to comment again – after the experience.

    Thank you, Your Juicyness (following Sue).
    I would put it – at least the opening meditation / shift – up on youtube or the like, as a heartfelt inspirational message to start the day…

    Let people play with it, choreograph it, turn it into videos etc…

    You have, again, created a precious gem that is truly a powerful tool to assist accessing the heart and soul of human potential and creativity.


  4. YES,YES, YES! We live and have our being in a JUICY, JUICY, JUICY cosmos! I knew this as a child and it’s so fun to play there again! Thank you, Your Juiciness, Adela!

    1. 🙂 I like that title, ‘Your Juiciness.’ Thanks for the christening, Sus. Children have this down. They get sloppy when they play, when they eat. Everything is juicy!

  5. To all…Adela knows this, but I have just christened my new business as “Juicy Spaces”. Now it will include all of you. Thank you for YOUR juice. Susan

  6. What fun to play in this way…I will take my juicy self off into my day now letting my whole day be a banquet of juicy essence encounters wherever I go……sending love to all….Kristine

  7. As I continue to grow in the new-to -me Being , I find that many of those with whom I have been in association for a very long time no longer hold the same magnetic draw that they once did. I find myself drawn to those who are at my level or a bit farther down the road of understanding and experiencing energy consciousness. In business, I look to those who are doing what I want to do and try to shift their practices into my own life.

    Here’s to rocket fuel~

    1. Carolyn Myss says, “You evolve at the rate of your tribe.” Upgrading is not only common sense it’s essential. Here’s to launching rockets, babe!

  8. Thank YOU!
    This is truly an an energy shift!

    You make it sound so trivial, as well you might, Juicy as you are.
    Ok. We’re hangin out / in.

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