August 23


Insecurity Undermines Abundance

By Adela Rubio

August 23, 2011

Wild Abundance

Because money is a major psychic symbol of security, every thought that you have that endorses your insecurity affects your money making abilities. Stuart Wilde

It's easy to get swept away by the charisma and confidence of someone at the top of their game. Clarity and certainty engender trust and inspiration.   Mastery is  irresistibly magnetic.

The converse is also true! Insecurity is just as palpable and has the opposite effect. It taps into your vulnerability and triggers your fight or flight response, activating your impulse to retreat.

Money is no different. It follows the same energetic principles. Money is easily drawn to you when you are feeling abundant.  Or it can mimic oil and water and form a great divide, if you're feeling less than fabulous.

Everyone has experienced the dynamic power of these energy states —  abundance and scarcity, certainty and insecurity, clarity and confusion — and the bandwidth of expression in between. The key is to tap into the feeling states of these energies and have them propel you into embodiment of  your naturally abundant flow.

You can't expect abundance to find you if you've settled into scarcity.Your thoughts and feelings about money and abundance are just habits! Choose to change your habits. Here are a few ways to jump start your feel good flow:

  1. Own your certainty amid the uncertainty. I know how this sounds, forget that! Notice how it feels to trust in the abundance of life, as you navigate the new opportunities before you. Flip fear into it's kissing cousin, excitement. Embrace the ever changing nature of life and, at the same time, feel the rhythmic pulse of aliveness coursing through you.
  2. Claim your abundance on a regular basis. This could be as simple as a daily practice upon rising and going to bed of making note of ALL the abundance you experienced that day. It's a great idea to write it down. Writing locks in the claiming of abundance in consciousness.
  3. Act Abundantly! Feel the flow of abundance coming your way and take pleasure in putting it to good use. Surround yourself with quality things, buck up for small luxuries like expensive chocolate, a day at a spa, or a limo ride to a meeting. Enjoying the flow of abundance in your world will do more than anything else to bring it more into being.

These 3 simple practices will create infinite abundance in your world. As your energy expands, and you feel better about yourself, you will attract extraordinary opportunities,  better customers, and meet more influential partners.  Relish the richness in your world and you will naturally shift your experience of abundance.

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Image: Question of Money, Anolobb


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