June 22


In Search of the Beloved

By Adela Rubio

June 22, 2009

Change, Love

How does that old Beatles song go . . .

“I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.” How does your self love reflect in your loving relationships? There is SO much written about love – falling in love, being in love, unrequited love, falling out of love, etc. It is always portrayed as something that you get/receive from someone else. It is dependent on an external source.

Your main energy source – LOVE – is in someone else's hands! Hmmmmm . . . let's think about that for a moment. Does that FEEL right to you? When you think of that kind of love, where do you feel it in your body? This is such a prevalent belief in our popular mythology that to me it reflects a MUCH deeper longing. What are we really doing when we're diving into and running from relationships? We are in search of the BELOVED.

You, my darlings, are the beloved. Part of the journey is awakening to the knowing that when you love yourself everything is added unto you. Love starts at home, in your own internal abode. Kindle the flame that sparks you within, nurture the fire that grows in your heart. Take the time to know yourself and cherish and honor who you truly are! Notice how your body feels when you are in a joyous space. Where do you feel that? Does it feel limitless, do you feel like anything is possible? Know that ALL in life is ‘a come and a go.' The true anchor of your being is your heart. Embrace it and the Universe will heap untold miracles in your path.

This is a very timely and personal topic for me as I am separating from my husband. We've been married three years next month and this is the second time around for me. This time I am much more awake. This time I FEEL much more than I ever have before. This time I honor him as well as myself and the relationship. It brings to mind something that Marianne Williamson wrote – we should express as much love and caring in leaving a relationship as we do when we enter it. There are quite a mix of emotions present for me. I thank you in advance for holding this sacred space.


I am the tight, amorphous mass that is my heart
It's shape is soft, it's smooth . . . yet jagged sharp
My rushing madness bares all my hidden spaces
Now . . . where to go and where to start

Beyond the dark, lie flowing spaces
Light weaves its braid of tarnished gold
I pause and listen, it's my soul's yearning
Am I enough, am I too bold?

A rapid move sparks an illusion
Enraptured in my pleasure fluff
An all consuming raging force is
The cataclysmic shedding of my useless ‘stuff'

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