May 2


How to Authentically Connect with Your Readers AND Make Money with an Ezine

By Adela Rubio

May 2, 2010

Business Tips, Conscious Business Marketing Telesummit, Expert Interviews

Newsletter & Done For You Expert

A regular, consistent newsletter is a proven tool that can make all the difference between struggling in a 5-figure business to thriving in a 6-figure or more business. Discover how to easily create and use newsletters that positively influence the lives of your readers (and the world!) AND positively affect YOU, by getting you more clients, more attention, more money and more opportunity. As you learn “the way of the newsletter,” you’ll also learn several strategies to grow your list fast.

Linda Claire Puig is a newsletter marketing expert whose company, Claire Communications, provides busy coaches and personal development professionals with high-quality, education-based content and newsletters to grow their businesses. She also teaches unique, action-oriented programs on how to create newsletters and use them to make more money. An award-winning writer since 1983, Linda’s articles have appeared in newspapers, magazines and newsletters throughout the world. She has produced newsletters for small businesses and professionals since 1990 and has trained thousands of individuals in “the way of the newsletter.”

Ready to Go Articles. 25% off a package of 12 Ready2Go Articles. Coupon code: CONSCIOUSBIZ for the 25% off.

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