This morning I've been musing on the symbiotic relationship of energy and habits. I've been thinking about how they feed each other, and ultimately what you're looking to create. Feed them the wrong things and you have negative outcomes. Feed them the right things and you have positive outcomes. It's not like you can go through your life once and say this is a plus and this is a minus. It all depends. It is all in movement. It invites you into the dance of life.
How do your energy and habits hinder or help your ability to notice the dance, let alone take the lead in the dance? In what area of your world do you have a frequent flyer? For most of my life, the dance of relationships has been front and center.
I have some habits in my relationships that I'm not particularly proud of. My typical modus operandi when things aren't working is to pull out emotionally. My last resort, after dealing with it unsuccessfully, is to physically leave. I've been doing this dance of hurt and haul ass since I was able to. I've moved away from these relationships, cut them off and they still circle around back into my life. Since certain relationships are not going away, no matter how hard I try to ‘X' them out of my life, it behooves me to figure it out.
You have to laugh at this, right? I do. Because some of this relationship stuff still throws me after all this time. Some of it I'm finally figuring out.
I feel really good when I'm in this place of choice and I'm awake enough to recognize it. It doesn't mean that I don't give in to tempting tendencies now and again. I do. I don't, however, beat myself up about it.
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Morning Musing
I've settled into a rhythm in my current living situation. I've been here two weeks and I've managed to be okay. I check my expectations at the door. I'm not saying I don't at times think or feel reactive. I do. The old triggers and habits are still there. I recognize my old friends, and I have a better grip on the reins. I feel like the little engine that could. hahaha!
Those moments of fullness feel so good. My energy is still different, very different. Adjusting to a new norm has been interesting. Who am I kidding, what norm? My morning hours are still best but there's a narrower window. My energy peaks from 5am – 8am and comes to a full stop around 2pm, sometimes as early as 10am.
Some days my energy is compromised before I even start the day. It all feels so in flux. Still, I feel the flow. The more I respond to that in the moment call, the better I feel. Sometimes I still resist my inner promptings. I've always enjoyed rebellion.
Back in the Summer of 2006, I invested $15,000 in sessions with healing practitioners. It reeked of desperation and not enough-ness. As if once I fixed me, the world would right itself. I had to give it up or get sucked down into the vortex of self loathing. Here's what I discovered: I was focused on the wrong thing! As long as you focus on healing, you'll find more to heal. Focus on your vision, and you'll find more pieces of your vision everywhere you go. Focused attention is a powerful tool.
As you look to craft a life that is more in line with who you really are, remember that your emotions and habits point you to the playground with renewed vigor. Bring your focus to those things that you are willing to change. Choose to see the growth opportunities as you seek to align with your vision. Name them and claim them. Create a new groove in cosmic consciousness that you'll be able to access over and over until it becomes the soundtrack of your life!
Today I feel good to be on the adventure and notice when these sharp emotions – up or down – come into play as I'm looking to shift what no longer serves me. There's more love and grace in everyday moments. I notice how rich I am, even while I'm looking to shape my life according to my visions.
How about you? What do you do when emotions harness your energy and your habits hamper your ability to bring your dreams to life?