December 16


Gratitude Song: Dance From Darkness to the Divine

By Adela Rubio

December 16, 2013

The Gratitude Project

As early as I can remember I've been highly attuned to feeling. Right on the footsteps of feeling, followed my fascination with sound and song, and singing with others.

Music is my mother tongue and my early environment was perfect for it's expression. All family gatherings were accompanied by song and the selection was international, from tangos to torch songs.

Singing wasn't only limited to weekend family gatherings. Sometimes I'd join one of my parents as they broke out into song at the kitchen table. It happened almost every day at one point. Mom's favorites were by Olga Guillot, and almost certainly told a story of a tortured relationship. My dad's favorites were by Mexican ranchera singer, Jorge Negrete, or Argentinian tango legend, Carlos Gardel. They told tales of regret, loss and deep sorrow. My parents often sang duets, dueling out their different points of view.

Music was  how we dreamed and delighted, and even exorcised, the day to day drama and demons. The gift of song was a language to communicate what words couldn't quite capture. It's how I came to know my parents, and later know myself.  It's no wonder that singing with others has always been a call to my heart.

After a 30 year gap of not singing with others, I've recently starting singing again. I have found my musical family: The Starlite Chorale. It has been such a beautiful reawakening to partner with others on song and the essence of the Divine.

On this life adventure you are sure to run into moments of darkness. There is always the light of the Divine available to guide and support you on the journey. Remember to dance in the Divine!

Here is a song of gratitude for the dance from Darkness to the Divine:

I stopped singing
I put down this joy
I hid this gift
in a far away box

I stopped singing
So others did not
hear my song
I stopped singing
I changed my voice
I thought I had to
then I buried my song

I stopped singing
Shut the door real tight
Sealed the seams of right
Till no sight, no light
I tumbled into the pit

In the darkness creeping
Ancient memories stirring
Of another way
a better way
to be the song

Ah, the sharpness
of the waking opens
evermore the dying
of the wongness softens


From the chasm to
the cauldron dancing
I divinely dangle from
the darkness prancing
as I land into
the Lap of Life, Love of Life

Making, waking
Prancing, enhancing
Singing, dancing
with the Divine
as the Divine
I am the Divine

Music is dancing with the divine, dangling from the divine, like a beautiful christmas ornament dressing your living tree. How will you dance with the divine today? Please update us below.

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  1. Reminded me of a ditty I wrote and sang to myself many years ago–not the song of joy but of closing doors and hearts…I found my way and they opened again too. I’m happy for you.

  2. Wonderful post and great poem, Adela! Today I will dance the Divine dance of allowing forgiveness to permeate myself. Swirl and dance in that reality, that despite regrettable actions, I am forgiven by the person affected and by God. That dance will move me forward to focusing on the present and the future and on avoiding a repetition of something that has been haunting me for the past 2 days. Freedom!

    1. Let that forgiveness swirl thru time and place, inter dimensions and inner spaces, Carol. Your intention and energy can create new pathways of being. Thanks for being in the dance, darlin’.

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