April 21


Books at a Better Price

By Adela Rubio

April 21, 2024

I came across this resource a while back and thought you might appreciate it.

If you're an avid reader, you're bound to keep an eye on how many books you can buy. The library is my fave place (I still like reading physical books) but sometimes the mood hits to read a specific genre right now. That's when ebooks are a perfect fit.

For lending ebooks, I have tried Kindle Unlimited, but Scribd is the best value. They have most of the books you'd want to read and a huge library of audiobooks. They often carry newer releases that Kindle Unlimited does not.

The resource I wanted to share is Bookbub. It's for ebooks and they range in price from .99 to 2.99. I've bought some fabulous books, fiction and non-fiction. You won't find every book you want listed, but you'll be amazed at the selection.

I subscribe to the daily deals and often have to delete the email before I'm tempted to buy another inexpensive book. From Yuval Harari to Ernest Hemingway, you're sure to find a book you treasure.

Art by Gnevol on Deviant Art

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