January 1



By Adela Rubio

January 1, 2011

May we bend
When the wild wind blows
And not break
Unless it is to break open our hearts to love without restraint.

May we leap
When the universe calls our name
And not plunge into the Great Abyss
Unless this is our path to great clarity.

May we explore
When the wooly beasts wail
And not get lost in their claws
Unless this ravishment unleashes our passionate soul.

May we stretch
When the voices proclaim us unfit and unworthy,
And not lose our sense of balance
Unless being pulled off center strengthens our core.

May we simply savor
Each day’s complex flavor
And never forget we were miraculously designed
To delight in the feast call life.

May we bless
Our lives with
The willingness to say YES
To our hearts desire.

Jan Blount
Bringing Gratitude to life at  GratitudeAndCompany.com

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