The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers. M Scott Peck
Ever had one of those days when you feel disoriented, out of sorts and disjointed? You wake up and something's not quite right. The day unfolds, your energy feels wonky and circumstances and situations just don't go as intended. You can't quite articulate what's off, but something is brewing in your being.
What if it's not the people or places? What if it's you? What if life is moving through you, as you, into a ‘shift of being?' What if the moment of discomfort and uneasiness is that a ‘new you' lies waiting in the wings and the old you has exited stage left? What if the off kilter feel is an in-between-ness for the evolving you?
Often these states are a bold invitation to relax into the sensation of this moment, whatever it is. Relaxing creates an opening for the automatic resistance to these less than stellar states. It is in these moments that you have an opportunity to embrace the paradox of your humanity and your divinity. You get to bridge the inner and outer worlds, the playground of certainty and risk.
Be the augur of awakening and welcome the re-alignment of your experience with the edge of living potential.
Image: X is for, AndyaDontStop
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How timely, of course. At session late yesterday w my coach we came up idea with idea about writing a birth announcement for the new me. I will share once I write it.