January 4


7 Steps to Magnetize Your Intentions

By Adela Rubio

January 4, 2010

Energy Shifts, Energy Shifts I

It's a pretty popular practice, among transformational types, to create an intention, instead of a resolution. If you're among the evolutionary oriented you may have already created a vision for this year. If you haven't, now is a perfect time to explore . . .

If you've done this before (hmm, like every New Year's Day), you probably have already discovered it's not enough to visualize your intentions. It's not much different than resolutions then, is it? The ‘not so big secret' is that you must magnetize your intentions with action. True vision always leads to inner shifts and inner shifts lead to physical movement . . . action!

Getting the big vision won't take you there. It's not just about bringing peace to the planet, getting more clients, healing your body or starting your business. Those huge intentions need to get broken down into bite-sized chunks.

Create stepping stones to your vision and you'll be propelled into the next movement magnetically. Try this exploration to connect with this year's intention and create your map for manifestation:

1.  Breathe, relax and expand. Feel your connection to your collective stream of brilliance and essence.

2. Connect to the energy of your potential. Feel this potential as a pulsating rhythm, notice it's movement, notice what's on offer.

3. Tap into the overarching movement for the year. It could be coming out of hiding, creating the scaffolding of your business, establishing partnerships, stepping into your leadership, etc. Check in and know what it is for you.

4. Identify the sub-movements, the specific pathways where possibility is clamoring for attention now. These are the places where the action, the to-do, will arise. You will get specific ideas when you drill down energetically into the specific streams. It might look like finding communities where you can connect and hang out or you might be called to lead a group and own your leadership.

5. Tap into the deeper ‘why' of this movement. This is a superconnective piece, tap into the streams of being and resonant energies that will be served by this movement. There is a bigger reason why this wants to be right now, through you. It's not about you ‘personally,' and yet in your being IT, you expand the field and make it available to all, including you. Imbue the portal of possibility with the streaming of your inner vision.

6.  Take a moment to follow the flow of your knowing. Map out your intentions. It could be a mind-map, a sketch, a paragraph. Check in and see what your map looks like. If you write, you probably want to have some fun and use a pad and colored pencils/pens.

7.  Put what you've captured into a time-line. Don't stop at the visioning part, step into the movement and look for the ripple. Make it tangible. Put it in a mindmap, calendar or to do list. Don't be rigid with this, allow it to shift, change and modify as you check in with it. In this way, you can dynamically create your vision and magnetize into being right now!

Bonus Step: Want to really amp this up and accelerate the manifestation of your vision? Tell others about it! Don't limit it to your close circle of friends, either. Shout it from the rooftops, come out of the closet! Form a small group of 3-6 participants and create a Visioning Circle. Share and magnetize each other's visions. You'll notice that you will each get ideas about not only your own vision, but you will be able to add to each other's vision.

Intentions without action are a dream. You are the bridge between your intentions and reality.  Bring magnetic action to your intentions and watch your dream come to life.

Listen to the audio…

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  1. I love this Adela. Maybe it’s your vibrant energy, or taking something we knew and making it your own, a whole new superstep. I am beginning to step out as well, and may use this in my new tribe. Thank you,

  2. I simply wanted to add a comment here to say thanks for you very nice ideas. Blogs are troublesome to run and time consuming therefore I appreciate when I see well written material. Your time isn’t going to waste with your posts. Thanks so much and carry on You’ll defintely reach your goals! have a great day!

  3. Today’s “Conscious Energy Shift Session” was unbelievable.

    The energy flowing between all involved on the call was electric, synergistic and stimulating.

    It also gave me the opportunity to invent my own new definition for “FEAR”.

    F.E.A.R. now represents my Foundational Energy Awaiting Release.

    My new F.E.A.R. focus will help me create new beginnings, develop additional opportunities to help others and ensure my 2010 intentions are realized.

    “Peace”, “Love” and “Prosperity” for one and all in 2010

  4. The energy shift was so wonderful today. The connection with all of you felt so rich and intimate as if we were all held in a big web of pink cotton candy. I am touched and fed by everyone’s contribution on the phone and on the web. I love hearing all the different channels (great illustration Joanne) and appreciated the reminder about play Susan. Thanks. I made time for a walk in the snow at sunset. Love to you all.

  5. I look forward to hearing the replay of this meditation. IT is ironic that on the day where I should have experienced “quiet” as hubby is back at work, I found that” things” really wanted my attention badly. The replay will help a lot.. I did use “energy Shift” today to deal with a difficult situation that has been ongoing for 5 months. and it WORKED! Account CLOSED! $$$ REFUNDED! HOORAY!
    I am also grateful for the replay as so many visual images race across my forehead tickertape during the meditation. Sometimes, I stop to draw… INSPIRATION ROCKS!

    I will be working on that intention list…
    I am so GRATEFUL to be here.
    namaste, nancyB

  6. MY INTENTIONING…COMES FROM THE ENORMOUS FEELING OF MY MAGNIFICENT POWER, MY STRONG BEING OF LIFE, LOVE AND POSSIBILITY. I felt this so vibrantly on the call as it rippled and pulsed through me and all around, more strongly than ever before. It was not possible to verbalise this emanating from me but so magical. I am here to continue my writing and reading of my poetry to help all those continuing or just beginning to transform. My tribe is around and growing cosmically and silently. Many do not yet comprehend transformation.

    My first book should soon be ready and this is new philosophical sayings. I have a poetry book in readiness and also two books to help people transform some of the pages of which I have sent people and they are already proving magical. I am here especially for the young who are needing this and those who are struggling in some way.

    My business is now to coach people through change and also to use the energy of my creative writing, poetry and paintings to do this to an even wider audience. I feel the pulse for this.

  7. I give thanks! Last month I attended one of many webinars and was introduced to the concept of obtaining corporate sponsorship to fund a project – whether it was a physical product, event, speaking engagement, book, cd, etc – and to connect with a non profit organization as well.

    So, I got to thinking. Back in 2007 I created a CD at home entitled, “Awakening the Diva Within. “It was my first attempt at reaching more women. That CD requires a remix, since I have learned and downloaded so much more information since then.

    Upon the completion of the new version, I will distribute it to battered women’s shelters all across the USA, complete with CD player, headphones and batteries!

    Once that is done, then the speaking engagements and Dynamic Diva workshops/playshops, a book and meditation CD’s and more!

    The time is NOW!!! The mission is clear!!! Next!!! Keeping my eyes on the prize and standing in gratitude!

  8. Intention feels so magically powerful and I know it is happening around me. This is truth and we all need to witness our intentions and see how the Universe shifts with us in these to all possibilities. Wow!

  9. How perfect for this day, this year, this decade! This sharing is such a confirmation of what I stated last year and am implementing this year! It has begun and it feels darn good! Yay!

    I’ve got my pencils and my paper ready. Thank you Sweet Spirit!

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