June 23


3 Tips on How to Collaborate on a Creative Project

By Adela Rubio

June 23, 2019

Left to your own devices you might get that book published (or not). Tim Eble and Kyla Dagenais shared how collaboration created an extraordinary opportunity for the synergy of their expertise. It also led to a book. Collaboration can help you get your creations out into the world.

Here are some highlights from the call that provide some great tips on creative collaboration:

  • Create an Intention. Before Tim approached Kyla to write the book he had made a conscious decision to pay attention to his intuition. When he met with Kyla for private yoga sessions he was moved to suggest the idea of co-authoring a book.
  • Have a plan before you meet with your partner. Tim had a rough outline for the book. When he approached Kyla he had a fleshed out plan. They divided the topics according to their areas of expertise and interest.
  • Decide on your process. Kyla and Tim collaborated using various methods: they shared the book as a Google Doc, had phone meetings, in person meetings, emails and lots of texts. Create a system that keeps you in action and moving towards your project completion.

We also chatted about the challenges and benefits inherent in collaboration. This is where you get to stretch your partner muscle!

Wild Creatrix Chat with Tim Ebl and Kyla Dagenais

Here's the Wild Creatrix Chat with Tim and Kyla! Plus, Kyla led us through a guided meditation. Let me know if it sparks any ideas for you.

About the Authors

Tim and Kyla are also happy to answer your questions on the process of co-authoring a book. You can contact them on the links below.

Tim Ebl is an author, yoga enthusiast, and licensed Heartmath Certified Coach, who has a unique and profound insight into mindfulness, visualization, and habit-building. Tim's website is Tim Ebl.

Kyla Dagenais is a yoga enthusiast and meditation teacher with over 18 years of Yogi experience, hundreds of students taught, and a wealth of practical knowledge. Kyla's website is Into the Wild with Kyla.

You can get Tim and Kyla's book, 90-Day Meditation Challenge:  How to Build a Daily Mindfulness Practice, on Amazon.

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