February 3


#20 Passionate Presence Principle: Power

By Adela Rubio

February 3, 2009

Being Bootcamp

Power on a personal level, as Steven Lukes
said – power as a capacity to impact the
surrounding world.

Power which adds to the increase, which allows
each person to step into his or her greatness
without cost to others, but instead with abundance
and inspiration to others.

= = = = = = = =

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power
the world will know peace.”

Jimi Hendrix

= = = = = = = =

Today we are going to explore Power from a space
of surrender and a space of standing –

Standing in, standing up,
Firmly grounded, reaching heavenward

Hold that image, of a tree in your
Minds eye and stand on your two feet,
shoulder width apart and breathe
in these words, listen and breathe,
noting your visceral response to
certain words as they are heard and

These synonyms are not ones I came
up with on my own, they are synonyms
I found using a thesaurus.

Which words touch you, deeply?

Synonyms for power:

aptitude, bent, capability, capacity, competency,
dynamism, effectiveness, efficacy, endowment,
faculty, function, gift, influence, potential,
potentiality, qualification, skill,
talent, turn, virtue

Synonyms for surrender:

abandonment, abdication, acquiescence, appeasement,
capitulation, cessation, dedition, delivery, giving
way, relenting, relinquishment, renunciation,
submission, succumbing, white flag*, yielding

Synonyms for stand:

angle, attitude, belief, carriage, determination,
notion, poise, pose, sentiment, slant, sound, stance,
standpoint, twist, two cents’ worth, view

See yourself as a tree, standing firmly in
Place in the ground, the Earth yet also
Fully surrendered to the surroundings –
The weather – – wind, rain, sunshine,
Any form of weather…


In place



Feel your feet, fully connected to
The Earth.

Breathe in….

Feel that connection move
Through your body – up and
Up and up until you get to your
Shoulders and allow your arms
To reach up and up and up
And feel your hands like leaves on
The tree and know that as the
Seasons shift it is time for leaves
To fall and
Bend at the waist
And feel your leaves

Allow that surrendering of your
Leaves to be just right, as it is…

And be with the quiet of winter

And listen for the urgings of Spring.

Begin to stand as the urgings of Spring
Begin tapping you in your belly, allowing
Your sap flow from the roots of the ground
Up and up and up

Shhhhh. Surrender. Grow. Rooted. Grow.

Up and Up and Up.

Let new leaves grow through the end of
Your fingers and feel the winds come and
The rain and feel the moisture and the

Feel every aspect of it….

And then – – connect to this poem
From Denise Levertov…

Allow your arms to fall to your sides
As you listen. Breathing in each word,
Each phrase, and invite the
Urgings of Spring to speak
To you in Denise Levertov’s words:

Variation on a Theme by Rilke
Denise Levertov

A certain day became a presence to me
There it was, confronting me – a sky, air, light :
A being. And before it started to descend
From the height of noon, it leaned over
And struck my shoulder as if with
The flat of a sword, granting me
Honor and a task The day’s blow
Rang out, metallic – or was it I, a bell awakened,
And what I heard was my whole self
Saying and singing what it knew: I can

Breathe in: I can….

I can…

Yes, you can be Surrendered and Powerful

Yes, you can live in that paradoxical space
Of being, deeply, poised and gifted.

Surrendered and powerful.

Standing, like the young man in Tianemen
Square, in front of a row of tanks.

Standing, like the naked tree, waiting for

Standing. Trusting. Knowing. Waiting.

Peaceful. Present. Knowing.

A certain day became a presence to me
There it was, confronting me – a sky, air, light :
A being. And before it started to descend
From the height of noon, it leaned over
And struck my shoulder as if with
The flat of a sword, granting me
Honor and a task The day’s blow
Rang out, metallic – or was it I, a bell awakened,
And what I heard was my whole self
Saying and singing what it knew: I can

Coming together, know you can.

Devote Yourself to “I Can”

When we unmute the line, speak into
The center a very simple, very powerful,
Divinely surrendered, potent phrase which
You can then follow through with in
Your day…

I can….

I can….

I can…..

Speak. Power. Surrendered. Power. Love.
Surrender. Love. Power.

©2009 Being Bootcamp (Julie Jordan Scott)

Listen to the audio…


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